Competitions and CrossFit

I’m a pretty competitive person in general but I am not a fan of doing competitions.  I get myself all worked up, get a stomach ache for days and frankly it hurts, the next day you wonder where the truck is that ran you over and backed up over you.  You push yourself harder than you would on a daily basis and you learn a lot about yourself.  At these competitions I rarely win and I like to win.  There are always those that are better than you and there are always those that are worse and sometimes you are dead last but at least you know where you stand.

Why would I keep doing them?  Mainly because I love the adrenaline rush, the camaraderie of the team and the CrossFit community.  Beyond winning, everyone there wants you to do the best that YOU can do.  It’s one big team.  You can always feel it.  It’s palatable.

Yesterday in the final team competition the last task was to lunge with a 70 pound axle bar (fat fucker) over your head.  Let me tell you, it was not easy.  One of the women was struggling hard, dropping it without making the distance.  The crowd gathered around her cheering her forward.  Time was running out and she didn’t have anything left, yet she never gave up, drawing strength from the crowd.  It’s amazing to see, no one cared that she couldn’t do it they just cared that she was trying and giving everything she had.


If we could pull this from the competition and translate it into the real world, think of how much better off we would be as a society.  Instead of belittling people and pushing them down, why don’t we pull them up?  Cheer for little victories because in life it’s all about the little victories.

Winter bite

Living in this beautiful place has taught me a couple things about nature.  One lesson is, the colder the weather the more beautiful the sky.  The most beautiful of sunsets have been captured in the cold blowing wind of winter.  I feel it’s natures way of calling me outdoors.  To feel her power of degrees.  How can you enjoy a beautiful breeze if you’ve never felt it’s bitter counterpart?


It’s worth the bite for the beauty.



Beauty is in the Imperfection

You and I are not what we eat; we are what we think.                                                                                            ~Walter Anderson   We all have this perception of who we are.  This what we radiate, this what others have to go on to form their … Continue reading


Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be … Continue reading